Saturday, May 16, 2009

Spring winds

Yup, it's that time of year again. The winds over the past few days have been unforgiving. The few times I've been out fishing, I've spent just as much time fighting the winds as I have fighting the fish. This is to be expected during the spring, but I'm ready for a nice, calm day with warm temperatures. But for walleye fishermen, as long as they can launch, the chop is a welcomed alley.

I'll be heading out tomorrow afternoon with a few friends. Not sure where the destination will be yet; I'm sure the winds will have a lot to do with that. The morning and early afternoon seem to be offering better wind conditions; around 3 p.m. the winds are supposed to push into the lower 20 mph zone, which can really stink for launching a boat. But we'll see. There are usually a few ways to work around the wind, and if nothing else, we can work whichever shoreline is getting battered by the wind, because the bait fish should be pushed into that area, and wherever bait fish are, walleye are sure to follow.

Either way, I'll try to get you an update on the action early Sunday evening. Until then, feel free to drop me a line with your fishing tips or reports. Till then, good luck and be safe.

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