Well, I've got a good night of designing and editing ahead of me here at the office, but before I hauled myself in, I made sure to go through the prep stages for tomorrow's opener.
Four poles, all restrung, tied up and ready to go. On my smallest pole, a 6-footer, I have 8-pound test. I am tied up Texas-rig style with this one. Tomorrow I will top it off with a TriggerX, chartreuse worm to start with.
I own two 6-and-1/2-foot poles, both rigged with 10-pound test line. On one I have a white and green Chatterfrog, on the other I have a white Strike King Bitsy Bug, which I'll tip with a white, Uncle Josh pork trailer tomorrow. Finally I have a bait caster set up with 15-pound test line and a heavy, 1/4 ounce football jig, blue, which will also be tipped with a pork trailer.
On the first day of bass opener, I fish slow. Colder water means slower presentation, which is evident by three of my four setups for the morning. But I like a locator bait as well; something I can rip through the water for reactionary bites. The Chatterfrog, a first for me last season, has quickly become the bait of choice, though I don't mind throwing a buzz bait or spinner bait, either.
Just a few thoughts to help pass the time till opener. I'm sure I'll have one last post after work tonight ... something to help burn the last, anticipation energy before bed.
Good Luck Fishing Doug. What about the Mimic Minnow? I notice you didn't mention that as one of your choices. Dave