Friday, May 14, 2010

Do we cheer?

As I sit here to type out a few thoughts, the fishing opener is three minutes old. And while there is still a short-night's rest for this angler before I test out the 2010 fishing opener, I'm breathing a little easier.

Winter can be a long time to wait to chase serious game fish in Minnesota. And while the ice allows for us to still fish for walleye and northerns, nothing quite beats the feel of casting a line, watching as your lure takes flight, cuts the air and splooshes into the open water.

Tanner and I will be out early in the morning, and barring an 0-for day, one of us will post an update to you (hopefully with pictures). For any of you that'd like to brag about your opening-weekend action or send in pictures, we'd be more than willing to share it with the other anglers out here who happen by our blog.

It's pretty simple. e-mail Tanner, Doug or, and we'll take care of the rest. Just give us some information to make things complete ... who's in the picture, where you were fishing, what day, that sort of stuff.

Until then, good luck, and may the fishing gods work in your favor.

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