Monday, February 8, 2010

Last thoughts on the Big Bobber

The Humminbird Big Bobber Ice Fishing Contest Saturday at Lake Washington turned out to be more interesting than I had expected.

Maybe credit a Japanese film crew for that.

With the exception of a lot of small fish, I'd say the tournament was a success. Now, that doesn't mean some things could have run smoother — the wait after the end of the tournament to the start of the drawings was a bit long and groups of people left who might have otherwise stuck around.

Parking, too, concerned me. Yes, I'm a little bit of a chicken when it comes to vehicles driving on ice, but a mass parking lot on ice should be reason for concern.

With that said, the Brainerd Jaycees Ice Fishing Extravaganza didn't start out as smooth as it runs now.

Only time will teach the Big Bobber organizers what parts of their tournament will need to tweaked. And in their defense, Minnesota State officials realized they were losing people from the crowd and hurried into the drawing.

Perhaps next year, they will change that format. Perhaps next year, the contest will continue to grow and parking on the lake will be a greater concern.

Of more importance is how great the prizes were at the contest. Sixty nine fish were caught, and there were 100 prizes. So prizes 70 through 100, including the $1,000 prize for 100th place, were raffled away.

Basically, people paid $35 to help a good cause with a chance to win some good prizes. Oh, and a 1/2 pound sunfish was worth $2,500.

I posted photos from my Twitter account throughout the tournament, and I even posted a few videos. You can view what I posted on my Twitter account.

Here is a little video montage I put together from those cell phone video clips I took on the lake. You can tell in some of the clips the filming is a little shaky — my hands hurt and I was cold by the end of the day.

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