Saturday, December 19, 2009

And then there was ice

Stopped out to Lake Washington before work today.

I figured there would be a few good ice-fishing communities scattered across the lake, which there was between first and second point.

The parking lot next to Westwood Marina Bar & Grill wasn't as full as we'll see it in coming weeks, but still, 30 to 40 vehicles were parked at the water's edge.

I estimated probably 90 percent of the houses on the lake were portables, but a few people were gearing up to move their permanent houses onto the lake.

Two guys gearing up for an afternoon of fishing were kind enough to give me a quick ice report.

They fished Friday on the lake and found ice as deep as 12 inches and as thin as 9 inches. One of them caught a five-pound northern and the other was a little more tight-lipped about the fishing.

I saw a few ATVs traveling on the lake, but no trucks or cars.

The two men I was talking with both recalled one person who drove a Ford Explorer out Friday, the ice cracking as he moved to a fishing spot.

I'm not sold on vehicles on the lake yet, especially SUV/truck type vehicles. But 9 to 12 inches of ice on Washington tells me most area lakes, especially the shallower bays, are good to go for fishing.

And if nothing else, you can always follow the Rule of 21. Find 20 houses and make it 21. Good luck.

1 comment:

  1. dougie monster dont know nuthin about no fishes! Triple A baby! woooooooooo!
